Silky Buttercream

Silky Buttercream*

Makes enough to ice 24 cupcakes

1 cup butter
1 pound icing sugar (sifted) (4 cups)
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp whipping cream (or milk) – more if needed

Combine all ingredients in a mixer and mix on medium speed until desired consistency is reached.  The more you mix, the fluffier it will become. *please see notes below


The extract used is up to you, the flavour options are endless.  Use clear extracts if you’re adding colour to the buttercream to ensure you get the desired results.

Colour with your favourite gel colour.

If you’re using this in a warmer climate, substitute half of the butter for vegetable shortening to avoid a melted mess.

For fine details on cakes, use only shortening instead of the butter, note that this option makes for a very unpleasant taste if not used sparingly as shortening tends to coat the inside of your mouth.  This option is not meant for icing cupcakes, only to do fine details as it is very stable.

If you want a stiffer icing, add less cream/milk.

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